
CA all day!

It's finally over and I'm so relieved. The Collective Aesthetics art show(s) was a huge success. We had such great feedback and amazing support. 3 shows in 1 months was a bit much but in the end it was totally worth it.  I feel like I completely re-inspired myself in more ways than one. I rediscovered my love for art and all things creative.  I had the chance to work with some brilliant artists and I can't wait to do it again. Next show you ask? It's in the works for beginning 2010. 

Santee Court gallery

Live painting with Peter for show #2 @ art walk

Show numero dos @ art walk. I had one of my screens hanging around and decided to do some prints with some left over ink.

Mi arte


When the Summer Ends

Constants Are Changing

Steph, Peter, Jay, Shannon, Mike, Joe

Steph, Jun Jun, Shannon, Jay



rinse and repeat...

Some fellow artists and I have planned an art show months and months ago and it's finally time for the opening reception. I'm anxious, nervous, excited, exhausted and overall pumped for the show. I had this huge plan on how I was going to execute each piece step by step. The beauty of all things creative is you can't really plan anything... You can try to but it will never go the way you originally thought. Before this show it's been who knows how long since I've picked up a paint brush but I finally found my groove and all is gravy. 

There's gonna be a great combination of photography, illustration, wood work, glass blowing and prints in the show.  

Art shows call for great people, good music, cheap booze, fun art and overall good times.  Next friday will be all of the above and then some. Come check it out.  Our work will be up for a month and a few parties in between if you can't make it next friday. 


Falling in love all over again

Let me just start by saying... I know it's been forever since I've posted on here. I've been beyond busy lately with work, road-tripping, and the art show (more to follow on all of those subjects) This post, however; is to focus on a very touchy subject -- my new found love for lamill coffee. 

Yesterday afternoon I visited lamill's coffee boutique in Silverlake.  From the moment I walked in I knew I was in for an experience all in its own.  We approached the glass door entrance and I couldn't help but get anxious all of the sudden. The entire "shop" is the sweetest piece of eye candy I've seen.  EVERYTHING about this place was thought out to the tea.  

The decor was a combination of vintage, ultra-modern and clean lines with bold gestures of garnet red and minty/sea-foam walls.  The tables were black and shiny enough to see ones reflection with accenting chairs upholstered in matching minty sea-foamish fabric and turquoise, faux crocodile skins.  There was this cool, serene, hip vibe in the air.  No one was in a rush to be anywhere or do anything yet everyone shared the same purpose -- to enjoy one damn good cup of coffee or tea.  Whether they were there for a late lunch, dessert or just a snack they paired their visit with a latte, cappuccino or, one of the many to choose from, black coffee. 
As we sat down we were approached by a very sweet barista/waitress/mixologist/coffee guru genius with our many options to choose from of coffee.  I decided to have a latte and he opted for a black coffee (I can't even remember what it was called it had 10ish names to it) Our drinks arrived and then I knew... this was probably going to be one of the best cups of coffee we've ever had.  The design alone on the surface of my latte was a dream.  I didn't even want to touch it without being worried about disrupting the harmonious vibe going on in that cup.  Seconds after... I gave in and two raw sugar cubes later I was in heaven... sweet espresso milky heaven.  It was creamy and delicious and hit all the right places.  The milk/foam ratio was genius as was the dessert that accompanied our drinks. 

We ordered the brownie with coffee ice cream and it was as delectable as it sounded on paper.  The brownie was dense yet fluffy and airy.  The two inches (give or take) in diameter of chocolaty (chocolatey?) goodness was a perfect combination of chocolate and sweet.  Directly across the plate on a bed of more chocolaty goodness crumbles sat a perfect scoop of coffee ice cream. The coffee flavor was just right and not too over powering.  Lasly, in between, were two mini cream puffs (possibly?) stuffed with who knows what kind of delicious cream and dipped in a caramel candy coating... perhaps? 

We ended up spending 2ish hours there sitting in amusement and completely content with our first, and definitely not last, experience at LAmill co. coffee boutique. 

till another day...


Dresses Dresses Dresses!

I've been freelance designing off and on with a company that sells to Forever 21 and just the other day I finally saw some of my stuff in stores!! I was completely caught off guard. It's been a couple months since I submitted those designs and I kind of forgot about them. Oh how exciting to see some on the mannequins and even some girls trying them on. I couldn't resist... I had to try them on too. I have to admit (not to toot my own horn or anything) they were pretty cute.  The silhouettes are all basically the same, with the exception of the blouse.  I focused more on embroidery this time and I actually really enjoyed it. 



For the past couple of weeks I've been looking at getting a bike.  Living in downtown parking at times is... impossible.  I was doing some searching online and with the help of a friend I found the one, the holy mother of all bikes I found the one I want. 

It's a Schwinn 2008 "Cream" 3speed women's sports cruiser and she is a beauty. Cream body with tan seat and handles = classy. I love it.  All I need now is to save $400 and she's mine. So worth it. 


shows shows and more shows!

I just checked my email and got an update from the echo/echoplex.  There are so many shows I want to go to in the next couple of weeks. 

4/1 - gregory and the hawk @ the echo
4/6- the bird and the bee @ echoplex
4/9- mirah @ the echo
4/10 - flying lotus @ echoplex

currently in love with: Hope Sandoval and Grizzly Bear


i <3 disneyland

This weekend was by far one of the best weekends I've had in a while. My brother came up to LA to visit saturday to go to California Adventure on Sunday.... I know right, who just goes to California Adventure? Michael (bro) had tickets from his last visit to Disneyland last month (2fer) We get to Anaheim around 10:30ish am and walk inside the park. As we start to form a line for California Adventure, we look to our left and see the sweet Disneyland sign just across the way. We looked at each other, the Disneyland sign, each other, sign, each other, sign... we gave in. Within seconds we were back in line to buy tickets to Disneyland and off we were to the happiest place on earth!! Ohhhh we had a great time. The first thing I thought about as we walked in was "I want a pickle!" Got a pickle along with everything else that could possibly be eaten. I tried uploading a video of us on the tea cups but for some reason it's not working... more on this later.